Tuesday, July 20, 2010


After spending 3 days in Pittsburgh, I can officially say that da burgh has got it going on! I got a fantastic tour of the best eats, galleries and watering holes in Brendan and Elise’s new ‘hood.

I started off my visit with a trip to the Andy Warhol Museum. Very cool. I’ve seen his soup cans and portraits at MOMA in NYC, but loved reading about his early life and watching clips from The Andy Warhol Show. He also used diamond dust to make some of his paintings sparkle. I'm working on getting some diamond dust for my living room wall.

“Just a small town girl, living in a LOOONELY WOOORLD…”

I would usually roll my eyes at the thought of an entire bar full of Western Pennsylvanians singing along to Journey, but couldn’t get enough of it at Hoffbrauhaus on Friday night. As soon as we walked in, we were all smiles. People were standing on long benches, swinging their liters of beer (their $7 liters of beer!) and having a blast. We hung out on the back patio area that lined the river and ate soft pretzels (which river? No idea). B & E are recent transplants and I was so glad to be a part of this discovery ☺

Pancakes are good. Hotcakes are mind blowing. We started Saturday morning off with a trip to Pamela’s, where I indulged in strawberry stuffed chocolate chip hotcakes, topped with whipped cream. Holy food coma. These were like the sugary lovechild that came as a result from a wild, buttery night between a pancakes and crepe. They were perfectly thin and caramelized around the edges. I stopped at the ¾ mark because I was full, but Brendan and Elise kindly reminded me that I don’t have Pamela’s at home. After round 2, I all but licked the plate clean.

Since we were in the midst of full blown food comas, we went to the Dusquene Incline, where we didn’t have to do anything but move our bodies from the car to a cart that hauled us up a big hill (aka incline ;) to a gorgeous view of the city. I counted 10 bridges, many of which were painted yellow and looked very pretty.

1 comment:

  1. Stina we miss you already! We had so much fun with you! I love your blog :). I hope you are kicking ass in Hawaii..Can't wait to here about more of your adventures! xoxo
